ALQUER BCRSS-3D™ Virtual Showcase Feedback from Fortune 500 Corporations

By NCET2 on May 11, 2020

Thank you again for presenting on the last session of the Virtual Startup Pitches. The Startup Development Officers (SDOs) and the corporates thought that you did a very good job and they were impressed overall with your presentation. We compiled the feedback you received during your presentation. You will find the summary below.
As mentioned previously, the purpose of the Virtual Startup Pitches is for our Fortune 500 corporate members discover startups and for our SDOs to review startups that are a potential fit to the Corporate-Startup Development Program.  Let's give the corporates 90 days to contact you directly.

SUMMARY OF FEEDBACK (feedback below were encoded as is; some were edited for errors and clarity): 

  • Seems like a straight forward service offering - the help they need is all in contacts and sales. Need also work on the pitch itself and the specific value proposition to make it more efficient. Feels like you are on the right path to make the connections and sell your services. Good luck!

  • Highly specialized. Not many similar companies.

  • Manufacturing and technical assistance.

  • Business management despite the applicant's claims.

  • Not clear what they have and how it is packaged and sold.

Summary of scoring results.jpg